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Old 10-14-2016, 12:48 PM   #26
Join Date: May 2015
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Posts: 80
Man, I really sympathize with you. It is truly heartbreaking to read this thread after also having read your other ones.

But I guess you don't really need our sympathies nor comments on that you should have stopped in time. Perhaps it would not have really mattered either, after the first loud noise. Who knows...

Anyway, my honest tip for you would be either of the two:

1. If you still got the commitment and spirit: really try to get hold of a serious mechanic, but with continued dialogue with the original one regarding liability. Isnt there any consumer rights legislation in Singapore that you can hang on to?

2. If you finally decide that you are sick if this: Buy a car with a more mainstream after market situation that allows you to know less of cars and still rely on a fair quality being delivered. You are never safe with any car though...

I hope this sorts out man! (and that you by good reasons go by 1. above)
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