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Old 04-12-2016, 02:18 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: NC
Posts: 22
WTB Boxster S for HPDE

Hi community. I've just joined your forum because I'm looking for a 986 S to take to the track. Mileage doesn't matter as long as it's been taken care of and has paperwork for what's been done and has the typical IMS, RMS replaced and a good strong clutch. Interior and Exterior not as important as it being in solid mechanical shape.

I'm in NC and looking to purchase something soon as I am without a car and I have several HPDE events coming up (just sold my last HPDE car) so please PM asap. Cash in hand, ready to buy.

Feel free to pass on any advice. You have a great forum here, btw.
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