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Old 03-04-2016, 05:32 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by CrisZenithBlue View Post
Steve you have a point, but those cables moving didnt actually engage or disengage gears at all.. so what is the point of that movement exactly?

transmission was cold in that one and its the same with it warmed up.
but again.. that movement in cables you see there doesnt affect the gearbox at all, at least i think it doesnt. only when i move the lever all the way back or forth does it engage.
I figured maybe it was a "neutral zone" or something like that, but the other posts about the cable ends sound like a good possibility.

I think Numeric just finished a special offer for 987/987 cables ($50 off I think) but even with this sale they are around $450 or so, and I think a new set of the OEM cables is about that much too. I had a Miata before the Boxster and that shifter was sweet! I guess for us with the transmission in the back and all the cabling gives lots of opportunities for play outside of the shifter.
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