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Old 03-03-2016, 11:23 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Viper10000 View Post
The Bentley manual shows a spot centered from side to side basically the most forward part of the diagonal plate where it bolts to the engine/transmission support. I no longer have the book but maybe someone who does can post a pic of that?
You can lift the back from that spot in the previous picture or right behind the oil pan cover, at the front of the sheet metal brace. It is pretty tough for me to jack from there when the car is on its wheels. Jacking from the side point in the photo is much easier, and I can still easily get the car to the highest point on my jackstands on both sides like this even though the car is a little uneven. The chassis is really rigid.

For jacking the car to the highest point I like to do like this:
  1. Jack from the backside at that point in the photo, and put the jack stands on a low setting.
  2. Jack from the front side, and go ahead and go all the way up to my desired height on the jack stands. You can set both sides even though you are jacking from one side only.
  3. Go back to the back, and this time I may jack from that center point but usually I stay with the side, and lift the back up the rest of the way and raise my jackstands.

If I'm just bleeding brakes or something I just do it in 2 lifts and set the car at a lower jack stand height all the way around.

I don't like to go all the way up in the back in one go, I like to spread it across 2 lifts.

In the front I jack at the jack point, and set my jackstand at the reinforced point shown in the 101 projects book. If I lift from that point, the jack interferes with placing the jackstand unless I came at an extreme angle under the door, and then I can't get a full stroke on the jack handle.

Jacking Up and Lifting the Porsche Boxster on Jack Stands - 986 / 987 (1997-08) - Pelican Parts Technical Article

Here is the spot from the Bentley. Top shows the front lift point as described in the pelican article, back shows the center lift point in the back. You will bend up that sheet metal brace end a little. I usually don't lift from here.

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