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Old 03-03-2016, 09:21 AM   #1
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Posts: 106
safe place to jack up rear of boxster?

so i have my boxster up on axle stands on their lowest setting at the moment, but i need to get the car higher than it currently is so i can comfortably work on the underside at the manifolds!
i have the rear bumper off, so where is a safe place to jack the car up as it sits? i want to jack the car up somewhere in the middle of the rear so the rear of the car goes straight up and does not twist as it goes up....

i see there is a pretty solid looking part just behind the tailpipes, i guess its part of the gear box casing, will this sustain the weight of the car as i try and lift it? it will not be sitting there for any length of time, just enough for me to get the axle stands to a higher setting!

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