Originally Posted by lkchris
This is pretty much mostly hype. Oil filter will trap most--surely >95%--of the dangerous stuff.
Lots of engines go hundreds of thousands of miles without magnets in their oil.
Originally Posted by jc986
I think I have to agree with lkchris, don't really need the magnets when the filter is there already doing the same thing - stopping metal flakes AND other non-magnetic debris, like aluminum, dirt, etc from getting into the engine.
I'm sorry to refute your beliefs but the factual evidence is in.
A lot of very fine ferrous (Hard) metal does indeed get past the stock filter.
I did NOT see any metalic sludge or particles trapped in the filter element, and I looked at it very carefully under magnification.
The evidence is stuck to the filter magnets, a very fine metallic sludge/grit.
Perhaps I can find a way to greatly magnify the evidence and take pictures on the next oil change.
I am hoping that the quantity of these particles will decrease on each oil change.
In any case I am reducing the abrasive grit in my engine and for less than $30, as I only used 7 magnets and a pipe clamp, it is both cheap and extremely easy DIY to position them and tighten down the clamp, plus it will last the life of your car and many others after that one.
Plus there is Zero risk of messing something up as the magnets are externally mounted on the filter.
True the engines could last several hundred thousand miles without it, but what if that $30 investment got you another 50,000 - 100,000 miles or more before a failure or needing an overhaul. Is that worth $30 to you?
Probably the best $30 worth of engine protection I have ever bought.
No upside to parts sellers as the magnets don't wear out, ever, and car manufacturers want their products to fail sooner rather than later to increase sales.
"It broke because it wants to be Upgraded
2012 Porsche Performance Driving School - SanDiego region
2001 Boxster S, Top Speed muffler, (Fred's) Mini Morimotto Projectors, Tarret UDP,
Short Shifter, Touch Screen Dual Din Radio, 03 4 Bow glass Top (DD & Auto-X since May 17,2012)