Many people question the GIAC chip for any of the NA Porsche cars. The Boxster has been said to not respond well to the GIAC chip either. There are a few threads where people have dynoed the car afterwards and reported about 2hp gain after 6000rpm and 6-7hp loss between 3000-6000rpm and so on...
Whats the deal with the Boxster chip? There seems to be more negative press than anything.
Originally Posted by clubhead
However, Jim & xclusivecar do have a point in that it makes NO SENSE to compare your after mod dyno figures with another stock car figures. There're many variables that can easily affect 2-3 bhp eg. new plugs, engine oil, humidity, temp, etc. For the benefit of all and to convince yourself that your money is well spent, do a before/after dyno. That way, you can tell which mod helps and which mod actually don't. That's who I found out the GIAC was making my car LOOSE power instead of gaining. I sent it back to get the stock program back and got my money back.
Dyno results from mods
Then this thread :
EVO Chip for 2.5L
There are some varying opinions here as well.