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Old 01-22-2016, 07:52 AM   #18
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Jake's info is very useful. a 1 in 6 failure rate on OEM AOS is appalling. Thanks for sharing Jake.
The unit mentined by Jdraup above is the "Motorsports" AOS.It is MUCH larger so it does not fit without mods & problems.
Stelan's mod not only fixes the problem:
1. it is easy to replace if the pcv fails using a widely available inexpensive part.
2. it fixes/eliminates other fragile components in the system.
3. it is inexpensive compared to any other so-called solution.

Problem: it would fail smog visual inspection.

But on a Boxster, I doubt a Smog Tech would ever be able to see the mod in his visual exam.
I am looking forward to seeing Stelan's DIY write up and photos. I'll provide some links to the main components that I find.
For those who are worried that this is a weird hack, it is quite familiar to those of us who have tinkered with supercharged or turbo engines. There are no moving parts ,fewer total number of parts, fragile parts eliminated, generic parts used, more space created to work on the engine.
If you are worried about sludge accumulating on the stainless steel 'pot scrubbers' - it is easy to remove the canister and extract the s/s pads to rinse them in gasoline.
If you are worried about Smog test results/pollution, my experience with Jaguar s/c engines using similar diy devices is that the results are improved - probably because of the improved passive 'scrubbing' by the pads ?
Thanks for sharing this fix Steve.

Last edited by Gelbster; 01-22-2016 at 09:05 AM.
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