Thread: WTB: Race seats
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Old 01-12-2016, 04:08 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by jsceash View Post
I run in several New York and New Jersey events at least 2 will check the certification date, seat and seat-belts
I have never been checked at PCA events or the other ones I run in the South East. If they had, my understanding (for PCA HPDE anyway) is that they would check for harness expiration, but not seat expiration. Some folks in the Florida crown PCA run the Corbeau FX Pro or other reputable seats which do not have any FIA certification with no trouble (not my choice but they do it)

That is an important point to clear up with the groups you run with before putting in any aftermarket seat.


Edit: Helmet seems to be the main one they check... I have never not had that one checked...
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