Track camera?
I was using a Gopro 3, and a Gopro 2 before that. They both have the same issue as my speed got above 125 the frame has a little cyclic instability. So there is some frame flutter at 140 and above it is almost nauseating to watch. I decided to buy something else. I purchased a Replay Prime XD It won't sink with my older version Traqmate data logger. Sinking video to data takes way to much time and it always seems to move alittle during the course of a 20-30 minute run.
I've sold my Gopro's and now my Traqmate. Would you buy a new Traqmate USB, Which says it can sink (start stop) to a Replay. A Garmin Track camera with the bluetooth ODB2 module or a Aim DL Camera with ODB2 adaptor.
The Garmin Links ODB data to video directly in the recording but the GPS has a low refresh cycle $499
The Aim DL directly links the data to the video as well $1199
The Traqmate links the data and video in a software compiling a new video file. $999
Looking for advice or experience in any or all 3 platmorms
2003 Black 986. modified for Advanced level HPDE and open track days.
* 3.6L LN block, 06 heads, Carrillo H rods, IDP with 987 intake, Oil mods, LN IMS. * Spec II Clutch, 3.2L S Spec P-P FW. * D2 shocks, GT3 arms & and links, Spacers front and rear * Weight reduced, No carpet, AC deleted, Remote PS pump, PS pump deleted. Recaro Pole position seats, Brey crouse ext. 5 point harness, NHP sport exhaust
Last edited by jsceash; 01-04-2016 at 10:52 AM.