Thread: Vacuum oddities
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Old 09-09-2015, 09:56 PM   #9
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Did the best testing I could tonight with the time I had. I checked most vacuum junctions under the 'hood' with an unlit propane torch. Slight idle rise was not changed by anything I was doing in the engine compartment, whether it be wiggling connections, oil filler tube or using propane.

Interestingly: the slight idle rise/pending code throw happens only after ~30 seconds of starting with the car warm.

Additionally, the slight idle rise doesn't seem to happen until the car is warmed up.

I think tomorrow night I will check the fuel EVAP area. The CEL has yet to illuminate, so far only pending codes come up. While idling for long periods, 1124,1126,EVAP leak detect pump LOW signal (2401?) and AC distribution valve OPEN (2611?). I don't know if those last two are the correct numbers or description but I struck out in the engine bay so will check the rest of the EVAP system.

I have never replaced the AOS (maybe PO did) but with ~105k I'm thinking it could be contributing here. The idle increase happening only after car is warm/after ~30 seconds if the car is already warm puzzles me.
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