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Old 06-12-2015, 08:09 AM   #10
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Unfortunately I don't have a lot of comparison cars to drive
Drove a 914 a million years ago. Had an 02 mustang Gt up to 2009

The Boxster has road feel, I feel every thing through the steering wheel. It goes where I point it with non of that vague feeling that some cars have especially the newer Electric power assist. I do have a new car with electric power assist and I'm not liking it

The Bosxter's steering feed back and pointing give you so much confidence. It's nice to be able to avoid pot hole and such dancing on the edge of the road to the right.

Now I do suggest that there could be some vague steering input if the Boxster's suspension components are worn.
I just replaced my front lower control arms, Inner & out tie rods, drop links and sway bar bushings. It was good before but it is even better now

You really do need to try one to get a full appreciation of that sensation and confidence
2002 S - old school third pedal
Seal Grey
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