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Old 02-23-2015, 04:07 PM   #111
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You are still at a nerve wracking stage -are those circlips correctly seated? How did you inspect them?
In my "broke the piston" thread elsewhere I describe a few tricks like a wood V-block to cradle the piston, using an illuminated endoscope and big-screen laptop to verify placement of the circlips inside the engine.I also made the "Logray hook" to tug at the circlips to try to pull them out after inserting them.Yup, # 4 came out!!!!Fortunately I retrieved it.
After that I removed the 'hook end' on the 3 difficult circlips. That eliminated the micro alignment requirement. It is all in that thread. I do not recommend anything I did because I have no proof it works yet ! The fact that it rotates by hand 'smooth as buttah' to quote our mentor -is irrelevant .It would do that with no circlips at all!
It is interesting to see the video of how John Edwards inserts circlips in the Subaru H6.Totally different to Baum. Jake's new tool is easier because it eliminates the slapping/banging nonsense.
Thanks for explaining what you have done - it will help others who follow.
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