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Old 02-18-2015, 04:09 PM   #108
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"I'm going to be a guinea pig for the EPS roller bearing." + DOF
Woops you do not have the 'real' DOF - if by that you mean a direct feed from the cam cover port. Big difference compared to the oil-pump drive-shaft hack ,er modification.
Flaps you are performing a great service to the M96 community.Thank you. I applaud your potential sacrifice of an expensively repaired M96 - just to prove the futility (I sincerely hope I am wrong!) of defying the IMSB gods and gurus.

We have had a few inconclusive debates about roller vs. ball bearing. I prefer field experiments - particularly with someone elses engine-yours !

My pure and unsubstantiated WAG is that the oil feed to the bearing will 'save' the roller bearing .That is a gratuitous & uninteresting assertion. The significant part is WHY? In theory( unsubstantiated theory!) ,the new oil supply will cool the bearing sufficiently and you will use oil with enough thermal shear resistance(& change frequently) to offset the clumsy inherent characteristics of the roller bearing. You will drive it gently enough to never snap the oil pump drive and you will never 'tax' the engine.
After a few thousand miles, you will declare a triumph for the roller bearing IMSB and have many devoted followers. You may even get an email congratulation from Feelyx(they guy who championed the roller bearing idea long ago and on a different Forum).
Now if you used a real DOF from the cam cover - that would be fascinating ! But then you wouldn't need the roller - a deep grove ball bearing would be adequate?Oh no , another IMSB thread!
You may find some interst/amusement here:

Sincere thanks for your story and good luck !

Last edited by Gelbster; 02-19-2015 at 07:43 AM.
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