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Old 12-29-2014, 11:00 AM   #29
The Radium King
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Originally Posted by rfuerst911sc View Post
Yes that is along the lines of what I would want. I'm curious if this could be modified to fit onto the top of the OEM blade ? I wounder why it was designed to remove the original and replace it vs. be added to it ?
when Porsche went to the cayman they removed the dam andadded the spoiler lip. the 987 boxster keeps a spoiler similar to the 986. uncertain if the fastback has different airflow characteristics than the roadster, or if the fastback had different aesthetic requirements than the roadster. probably a bit of both.

you can buy the ebay product to convert the 986 to cayman style, or actually use a cayman rear spoiler (required modification of the rear bumper cover as per cheetah). fluid987 make some really nice exaggerated cayman style spoilers, but none that work for the 986:

otherwise, if you want to retain the 986 style spoiler but add a lip to the top of it, there was a product out (by I think a Swedish company) that did something like that but can't find a pic anywhere anymore so most likely no longer available.

edit!!! found it:

Last edited by The Radium King; 12-29-2014 at 01:41 PM. Reason: found it!!
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