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Old 12-27-2014, 09:45 AM   #6
Certified Boxster Addict
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Originally Posted by JFP in PA View Post
There are two guide "dowels" on the transmission where two of the bolts go, make sure you are not hung up on one of these, that does exactly what you are seeing.
Ok, it looks like the "dowels" on the driver's side are the issue. It looks like there is a dowel still in the engine and one in the transmission and they are butting up against each other and not allowing the transmission to mate with the engine. See photo. I admit that I did not check this before starting the installation.

I am guessing that these dowels are not permanently mounted in either the engine or the transmission.

Looks like the driver's side dowel stayed with the engine when I pulled my transmission AND the dowel came out and stayed with the replacement transmission - hence the doubling up.

There is no dowel in either the engine or the transmission on the passenger side. Might have been lost somewhere during my three engine removals and re-installations.

What do you guys think? Just pull out one of the dowels and it should mate up?


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