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Old 12-19-2014, 05:48 AM   #13
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You also may need to make sure that you are using the correct terms. I'm not sure that any insurance company will give you a policy for replacement value. You are talking about insuring approximately a $15K car for more like $80K to over $100K. That is what replacement value would be in insurance terms. Maybe you are looking for an agreed value police where you and the insurance have an agreed value of say the $15K in the case of a total lose. Most coverages are going to be market value and use the book values to determine the value at any given time. Last you have the option similar to market value which is actual cash value which in theory should come out in the ball park of market value except a different calculation is used subtracting depreciation from replacement cost. Hope this helps as people are speaking about being happy about the money received in a total loss but not stating how the value was determined.
2000 Boxster S
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