I don't have a dog in this fight and I am not picking sides on this but Jake you seem to always get into pissing matches with everyone on here that has a different spin on products for our cars. Yes you and LN came up with the tools and the kit to extract and replace the IMS and from what I can tell a lot of people have chosen to buy engines from you. However, you come on here time and time again picking fights with other shops and companies that have a different take or a different product to offer. If this guys product is good then he will earn respect and a following. If his product and service is not good then his business will fail. As a consumer, I always let the product speak for itself and do my research. I have an LN bearing in my car and I also added the TuneRS Direct Oil Feed kit. I did my research and got the products that made sense to me at the time but getting into an internet tough guy match just makes you look really bad man.
Does it matter that you were a Marine in this discussion. No and the mention of it looks like a weak marketing tactic. The majority of people are coming around that the military have just been advancing the corporate multinational agenda and certainly not protecting our freedoms. Additionally, from what I see your new IMS solutions looks like a different variation that essentially copies the oil feed concept that TuneRS developed and use in their race cars. I remember reading the comments you wrote on here that essentially killed the discussion and confused quite a few members that were considering the TuneRS product. The best way to see what really works best is maybe for you both to put your cars on the street as well as the track in competition and let's see how your engines and upgrades perform under duress. If the roller bearing is a better product so be it. If the new LN IMS solution is better so be it. So far the only company that has put their product to the test is TuneRS with their Direct Oil Feed kit.
As a Boxster owner I a more interested in ideas that will make my car run better and last longer at the most reasonable price. Yes Jake I guess you would classify me as one of those "bottom feeders" that you were referring to in your last rant. I had my engine rebuilt at a local shop in Florida for a lot less than one of your rebuilds and my car runs way better than the day I got it.
Last edited by ultimate1; 12-02-2014 at 02:16 PM.