Houston Boxster Drive
I have a nice route planned for VERY early on Sunday morning this week through Brenham, Belleville, Sealy and Industry (ever heard of it?) if anyone is interested in joining me. I did the run two weeks ago and it was a fantastic morning.
Where to gather: I-10 and Fry Road (exact spot to be determined).
When: I will get there at 5:45 am and leave at 6 am sharp.
Why: Because we tend to forgot excellent twisty driving roads exist just outside of Houston!
How much: I burned about $30 worth of premium plus $1.69 for a cup of coffee.
When will we be done: I have to drop off my nephew at my parent's house no later than 10 am, so I will have to head home by then (the cyclists will be overtaking the roads anyway by mid-morning so it's far more dangerous to drive with them meandering down the back roads).
The reason I drive so very early on Sunday mornings is that to have clear roads, one must get up before the cyclists (Saturdays are always worse as farmers drive tractors around on Saturday, but sleep in on Sunday and go to church). It will be dark at 6 am when we gather at Fry road, but by the time we get to the twisties, it will be dawn and we'll be having fun.
Please PM me if you are interested, and include your email address and a cell phone number so I can contact you.
Disclaimer: Of course, all this is planned if weather permits! Let's not go if it's gonna be raining out there... that's no fun and not safe either.
Last edited by RandallNeighbour; 04-05-2006 at 05:41 AM.