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Old 07-15-2014, 11:17 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by oldboxster View Post
i reiterate my prior statement;

The pressure reading on the gauges is a function of temperature of the refrigerant and nothing else.

This is a basic behavior of pure component (R134a) 2 phase system vapor/liquid equilbria governed by the physical properties of the refrigerant

The concept is the same as a propane tank used on a gas grill, pressure guages are not fitted to determine the amount of propane since the pressure is constant until all the liquid is gone, for this reason the weight of the tank is used to determine the amount of propane remaining.

I only made these comments in an effort to enhance the understanding of the system by the other readers on the forum.
So I've just filled the car with one can of R134a and the AC feels cooler but I just don't think it is as cold as it can get. The gauge on the canister was almost near "Alert" range. Are you saying that I can pump in another can and ignore the gauges?
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