Originally Posted by Topless
Should be much quicker after you slip those 3.6L pistons and sleeves in there. 
Hey brother! I thought that we were keeping the "3.6 thing" just between you and me? There might be a few PCA Stewards on this site and I need to keep this on the lowdown.
In all seriousness, the engine will be rebuilt ALL STOCK except where allowed to deviate by the Boster Spec rules (such as the replacement IMS bearing) to the extent that I could pass an engine teardown inspection if something that drastic was ever needed.
However, I am taking advantage of the downtime while the engine is being rebuilt to further reduce weight in the car. If my calulations are right, when its all re-assembled I should be able to manage the car to min spec weight by adjusting the fuel load.
New engine + min weight = no excuses.