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Old 06-17-2014, 05:15 PM   #16
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"I read on Rennlist as of 2014 CA smog check for 2000 & newer vehicles includes an OBDII scan for software modifications"
The reason for an ROW re-flash is that it will not show as a software mod.
The visual inspection is a risk that would not be an issue except at a "Gold" Smog Station IMHO.
So the question becomes :
"Does an ROW re-flash self identify to the Smog test computer as a modification" ?
This is getting tricky because I read that the Gold Smog Station now connects your car directly to the AQMD computer .This takes the local Smog Station computer out of the loop. This may be junk info(??) but if true it kills off many ,many mods sold by the ECU-mod companies. That leaves you with the need to be able to store the original code for the DME and substitute that each time before you go for Smog Testing. That is doable and indeed several of the re-flash companies offer that facility with their latest products - no cable to your laptop -instead a separate piece of hardware that is dedicated to storing and re-flashing the two sets of code - ROW and USA.Ideal for a car that enjoys life on the Track & the street.

Last edited by Gelbster; 01-20-2019 at 07:00 PM.
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