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Old 05-07-2014, 08:06 PM   #73
Dave S.
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Originally Posted by BIGJake111 View Post
The insurance claims that they have to pay out either way so they do not really care, but yeah i am pretty upset with the situation, and we are still undecided on a lawyer, at the time we are in relations with the police chief or something asking for a better report from the officer or something more detailed.
You need to demand in writing with your insurance company that they subrogate your claim - and go after the other party for all damages including your deductible - as the accident is 100% the other person's fault.

I had to do this once and it worked to get my deductible back when the insurance company would have otherwise been happy to let me pay it and then forget about it.
Dave S.
2003 Boxster S
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