Originally Posted by Brad Roberts
For those playing along at home, the white Boxster in front of Tom is Ira from Tarett engineering  Ira is in what we call a "GT4" Boxster. Basically it's a HP to weight class with open suspension. We were just trying to get Ira through the school. It was only his second time on the new 255/RR from Toyo. He did "ok" and also passed the school. I should edit down Ira's incar video and post it 
It was a privilege to have someone of Ira's background in the class. I mean, almost every race car has something from Tarett on it, including mine.
And as long as we're dropping names, it was just as cool to have Connor De Phillippi drop by the December racing clinic and give us some insights and advice.
You meet the coolest people in a Porsche (race car that is).