yeah, the box uses the coolant to cool the oil, so keeping engine temps down will keep oil temps down.
if you do add an external oil cooler, decide where your oil take-off is going to be - if you use the ln plate you bypass the oem oil cooler all together so your external system has to be up to snuff. you can also get sandwich plates that fit between the oil filter and the engine, but then you need to get the ln oil filter adaptor plate. this means two plates, so you will have to run a tiny oil filter to maintain clearance.
the best locations I've seen are behind the rear wheels (if you search you'll find some good images of such an install) or where your rear licence plate used to be - cut that area out and replace with mesh, remove your rear bumper and get all the heat shielding out of the way.
personally, I think a transmission oil cooler is much more essential; I lose my transmission before oil temps ever get too high. if you are worried about oil temp, perhaps first step is to put an oil temp sensor in - there are threads on that here (there is a blank on the engine on the opposite side to the oil pressure sensor). I know a guy who put an oil cooler on a tracked cayman then just took it off as it never worked (in order to let the oil get up to temp you'll need a temp controlled valve that only opens and sends the oil to the cooler over a certain temp - he monitored oil temp on the cooler side of the switch and found that it never opened as the oil never got warm enough). there is also the danger of, on a car driven on the street, having debris pop a hole in the cooler and suffering engine-killing oil loss. as per stone, increasing oil capacity is another way of keeping temps down, but the deeper oil pan may start to pose a problem on the street as well.