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Old 03-27-2013, 05:53 AM   #10
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I bought a 2000 Boxster S with 103,000 miles on it. It had the double row bearing. Before I took delivery I had the shop that did the PPI install the LN Ceramic bearing for $1300. The clutch and related parts had been replaced a few thousand miles earlier but the previous owner elected not to replace the bearing. It was worth it to me to take that particular worry out of the equation.

I got other quotes that were much higher than $1300 and if I wasn't able to do it for $1300 I am not sure what I would have done. Probably bought the IMS Guardian Jr and installed it myself, and then just kept an eye on it.

For me, having installed the LN Ceramic bearing, I just don't even worry or think about it. And that peace of mind was worth it to me.

If you are a long way from needing a clutch, then maybe the IMS Guardian or the IMS Guardian Jr is the way to go. From my understanding if you catch the bearing failing right away you can replace it before it destroys the engine.

Good luck! I can tell you I am having a blast driving the car and loving it!

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