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Old 07-25-2012, 12:27 PM   #6
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Ignition switch and the story of the singing boxter, party pooper

I think I was perhaps not paying attention to the steering lock as I was more concerned about the 100' flames and billowing black smoke heading in my direction.

In retrospect I had backed into my parking spot and had not straightened the wheels completely so perhaps that was it.

After doing some reading I also ordered the Electrical portion of the switch for $8 at Amazon figuring that with an 11 year old car I may as well do the inexpensive preemptive replacements.

Unrelated Funny story....
On my way home I had a shopping list from the hardware store partially for a bathroom renovation.

I shopped for pipes, elbows etc and as I was on my way out I saw that the 2 pieces of 6' PVC I had in the cart at $7 each could be replaced for cheaper with 1 9' piece for $6.

All was fine until I exited the store and started looking for my car......ahhhhh.....Boxster!!!!!.

Crap, so I took the top down and drove with a 9 foot 2" pipe seat belted in place, and at 45 mph I had a pipe organ playing next to me in the car due to the wind blowing over the top of the pipe and its end waving around......haaaaa what a scene

I should have recorded that for the Blue Man group!

Now ask what the pipe is going to be used for.....Late Night Party pooper
"Fight fire with fire....nope!....water!....duh!"
"It broke because it wants to be Upgraded "
2012 Porsche Performance Driving School - SanDiego region
2001 Boxster S, Top Speed muffler, (Fred's) Mini Morimotto Projectors, Tarret UDP,
Short Shifter, Touch Screen Dual Din Radio, 03 4 Bow glass Top (DD & Auto-X since May 17,2012)

Last edited by jb92563; 07-25-2012 at 01:09 PM.
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