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Old 07-18-2012, 06:48 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by particlewave View Post
Yeah, I'm sold!
I'd like to see how well the tv tuner works and what kind of antenna it needs. Is it digital ready? I spend a lot of time in KC and it would be awesome to get news broadcasts and such.

Even without the tuner, though, I'm still buying one. The price is amazing for what it can do. I really hope that I wouldn't need to reinstall a 4 channel amp, though. I have my 4 cabin speakers directly wired to my HU right now and they sound great together. Already have an amp for my sub and would really not want to hassle with 2 amps.
Its specs say analog tuner and since the US is all digital now, I don't know if it would work. Maybe there are others that have the digital TV spec for a bit more $$.

Hey at 52 Watts per channel (208 Watts total) right from the stereo I doubt you need an Amp unless you like blasting the neighborhood with the top down.

The Porsche factory Amp only does 62 Watts per channel and produced more than enough sound pressure.
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Last edited by jb92563; 07-18-2012 at 06:54 AM.
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