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Old 06-23-2012, 02:35 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by Spinnaker View Post
2000 S with welded tips, see post #128. Didn't have much trouble at all.

"Have peeps found that duct tape is the best way to prevent any scratching?... "
The smooth surface of the extension did not leave any discernable marks on edge of the stainless steel tips.
I made a few attempts at this and walked away frustrated more than once. When I finally got it to work out the way I wanted it to, I was happy with the results. I had very realistic expectations for simply punching holes in a muffler and I like the sound better then stock.
My tips:
1) Take a shop rag fold it in half and line the inside of the tip with it while draping the excess over the outside of the tip and tape into place, both outside and inside. I used blue painters tape.
2) I got a cheap set of ridiculously long bits (like 30”) from Harbor Tool and Freight for under $15 for a set of 4. Using the smallest bit, I attempted to drill a hole which spun along the curve of the inside of the exhaust pipe to no avail. I peered into the pipe to see where I wanted the hole to be with the drill bit, then while maintaining my vision on the spot, removed the drill and replaced it with a long screwdriver. Bang the hell out of it because you must have a dent or small hole for the bit to catch on, otherwise you will get frustrated and the bit will spin everywhere.
3) With the hole punched, I set the bit in the hole and stepped up the sizes until I had a 3/4” hole carved out. I really had to put some effort into it, as I believe these are wood bits, but for $15 I don’t care about messing them up.
With the desnorkle accomplished at the same time, I felt like have done something good for the car.
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