Originally Posted by ferrytrip1
today I released the top from the pushrod levers and the top itself is as free to move as a free thing on a free day - so its not the top binding. I operated the switch and the binding is still there. Clamshell jerks and does not close properly.
Next I will disconnect the clamshell - though not sure what you mean by your last para. If I pry the ball end off will this have the effect you talk about?
Then if the transmission operates correctly am I looking at the black hydraulic rods being bad? Is there a check to confirm that?
If the clamshell is jerking, you should also verify that the rails in which the black plastic sliders ride back and forth are well lubricated. It could be as simple as that.
The last paragraph of my previous post means that in certain positions of the top, there is a great deal of pressure applied by the black "hydraulic" pushrods to hold the clamshell shut. When the clamshell is down, it is very difficult to pry off the black pushrods off the steel balls on the V-lever. If you pry off the pushrod from the steel ball on the V-lever, the clamshell should move just as freely as your now- disconnected canvas portion of the top does.
The black pushrods only go bad when their ends sometimes get bent. If you can get one of those in a vise and apply enough pulling pressure, you can test whether the large spring inside is intact and functioning properly. It takes a LOT of force to pull it.
Regards, Maurice.