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Old 05-01-2012, 06:10 PM   #7
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I would like to know about the whole package he sells. Expanded throttle body/ air splitter/ and Ecu tune. Just can find anyone who is talking about it. I purchased an ecu tune from fabspeed which I believe is Evom and don't really notice that much of a difference. Throttle response is better, but the wow factor isn't there. I feel like I threw $900 out the window.

I would be willing to purchase the kit for $1399 but don't want to be throwing more money out the window.
You should definitely be able to feel the advertised 30hp.
I am also not that thrilled about shipping my Ecu like I had to do with Fabspeed.
Btw I have a boxster s 3.2 Evom tune/ Evo intake/ fabspeed cat bypasses and exhaust.

If anyone has this kit please chime in as his prices are very reasonable.

Last edited by Jerkstore; 05-01-2012 at 06:16 PM.
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