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Old 01-24-2012, 05:08 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Squozen View Post
I stopped at the 1:30 mark as well, because virtually all of the accidents portrayed were caused by distractions, not speeding.
+1 on that comment. Distraction or, on a more basic level, sheer stupidity. This, I would contend, is true all the more so when pedestrians were the victims, they (those pedestrians) being as negligent (typically MORE negligent) than the drivers delivering the coup de grāce. What happened to looking before crossing the street? Do parents no longer teach their children this basic rule of survival? What person with half a brain steps from behind a parked vehicle into moving traffic without first poking their head out to see what's coming?

Living in a college town, I have noticed this to be a problem of growing proportions, with students (on campus, and off) carelessly stepping in front of moving traffic, often with ear buds in place, and/or eyes glued to text message currently on their cell phone. This "I am a pedestrian and, as such, I have the right-of-way" attitude just astounds me. These guys wouldn't last 5 minutes on the streets of any major US city.
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