I tried installing the PorscheLEDs.com LED kit today and had problems. The three bottom LCD LED's work fine but I can't get any of the four gauge display LED's to work. Maybe they are just too dim to see in the daylight? Tried adjusting the brightness using the stalk adjustment but no joy. Also, the two blue socket LED's fit very loosely into the gauge display connectors (they kind of flop around and that can't be good when the OEM's twist in nice and snug).
What should have been plug and play turned into 90mins of install LED, replace back cluster cover, re-attach to cables in car, test, fail, turn 180 degs, repeat, fail, try moving LED's around, repeat, fail, try doing one at a time, repeat, fail....
Finally gave up and re-installed OEM lamps and the gauges light up fine.
***Follow up***
Got them all working. Just needed to slightly bend the holder tabs to keep the LCD tightly in place.
1999 996 C2 - sold - bought back - sold for more
1997 Spec Boxster BSR #254
1979 911 SC
POC Licensed DE/TT Instructor
Last edited by thstone; 06-04-2012 at 09:05 AM.