I'm going to go way out on a limb here. Before everyone chirps in let me explain myself. I drive a dodge dakota pick up as my 2nd driver. I pretty much drive my box from March to December. I drive it on nice days or whenever I feel like it, which is most of the time. But when it is nasty out, snowing, or heavy rain I take the truck. If I want a fun car in the winter I would just get a car that is not a porsche and drive it all the time. I would probably go with the BMW 325i or something comparible. But, I have a sports car to drive most of the year and need a practicle vehicle for the times the Box just does not work, such as hauling things, driving in deep snow, taking a long trip etc. The truck has been very reliable and will go anywhere. Do I miss the driving excitment in the few winter months? Ya. But I have something during the whole year that is not similiar to what I drive for fun in the summer. EVERY MAN NEEDS A TRUCK IN THE DRIVEWAY!! Always handy.
2000 Boxster - Loved and sold
1999 911 Cabriolet - Also loved and sold.