Thread: Hp upgrades
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Old 09-15-2011, 08:32 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Johnny Danger
1. A comprehensive and methodical approach to revamping the exhaust system; i.e. headers, cats, cat back ect...
2. Light weight under drive pulley
3. Larger throttle body and plenum
4. ECU re-programming
5. Lighter wheels (a potentially faster and better performing vehicle by means of
reducing unsprung weight and rotational mass)
6. Reducing weight in general; i.e. spare tires, oem seats, lighter battery ect.. (this is
more aimed toward tracking your boxster .
7. Suspension upgrades (though not a direct increase in power, a faster vehicle can be
had by means of better handling and performance .
8. A divorce (reduction in weight by means of one less passenger)
and the list goes on ...........

I did #8 last year, best mod I ever did...
2003 Cayenne Turbo
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