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Old 02-26-2011, 11:18 AM   #163
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Originally Posted by Lobo1186
So once you had the pilot holes drilled what course of action did you take? Did you just keep increasing the hole with larger and larger bits until you reached the threads? or did you use a left handed bit?

you also mentioned earlier different methods of annealing and hardening did you actually do any of that? I just want to make sure I have the right weapons before going into battle on this one. So that if even only one bolt breaks on the headers what would be all the tools necessary to get that ******************** out. (god knows I hate easy outs and have not worked for me yet.)

tell us a little about what you are trying to extract. for me, the metal was so pitted and soft that extraction was impossible. i stepped up the holes to an oversize & tapped them for helicoils. two quick tips: do NOT use a cordless drill and step up in 1/64" increments (anything more & you will lose your center).

btw, i did try annealing & hardening. too much corrosion for it to make a difference.

MOST of the time, a lot of penetrating lube & some finesse & the header bolts come right out. i never had a problem before. the issue here was that the engine sat on a shelf for EIGHT YEARS after having been hit w/ some degreaser that likely didn't get washed off all the way. the alkalinity coupled w/ the elements absolutely destroyed the metal at the bolt / head interface.
'99 Boxster
3.4L Conversion
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