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Old 07-29-2005, 09:24 AM   #1
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Clear Bra Pictures

BuffaloBoxster was asking me about the clear bra so I figured I would post some pics of it for everyone. It has been on our Boxster for 2 1/2 years now and, personally, I will do it again. It looks best on darker cars, but it looks good on or speed yellow color too. I'm posting pics of the good and bad.

We have it on the bumper, hood, fenders, headlights and mirrors.

Here's some good shots of the hood and fenders
If you look closely, you can see the light line that is behind the headlight. The bra ends about 6" behind the back of the headlights on the fenders, but I had a custom sheet put on the hood that goes all the way up so there is no line on the hood.

The bad fender part
Notice the line around the back of the headlight. That is where dirt collects.

Some shots of the bumper
Please pardon the bugs. I pulled it out of the garage and took these in the morning after my wife had driven it home from work the night before so it has not been cleaned since last weekend. The nice thing is you can wipe them off with Plexus, just like the rear window, and it looks great. We have not needed to use any bug/tar remover since putting the bra on.

The bad bumper part
Dirt collects around the intake where the curves are tight. You can't see it very well when walking around the car.

The mirrors
The only part I would not do again. It's too difficult for them to get it perfectly flat on the aero style mirrors so a good bit of dirt gets under it.

The protection!
This is why I will do it again. I was hit by several rocks that a dump truck full of gravel dropped on the highway. I'm guessing at that, but there was a bunch of it being kicked up from the road. The rocks that hit me were 1-1 1/2" in diameter and I was going about 75mph. The plastic was torn a little and the paint was scratched, but no dent.

Overall, we are very pleased. The damaged sheet on the hood will come off with the aid of a hairdryer without damaging the paint. I will pull it off soon, repair the scratch and put the regular 1/2 hood cover part of the bra on it instead of the full hood cover.

Hope this helps some of you with your decision.
1987 928S4 Silver Metallic (980)/Navy (TP) 5-Speed
2000 Boxster Speed Yellow/Black 5-Speed
1966 Wife White/Brown Top
1986 Daughter White/Brown Top (Sold!)
1992 Daughter White/Blonde Top
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