10-07-2009, 07:48 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: It's a kind of magic.....
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Originally Posted by eightsandaces
How is the suspension hanging when the tire is still skimming the floor? That small travel of unweighted spring and shock? Clearly we don't agree, that's fine, we don't need to e battle about it. The fiat is 38 years old and has not suffered under the same conditions.
Perhaps it doesn’t bother the Fiat, but it will bother the Porsche. With the suspension extended, two negative things occur: First, the shafts on the struts are extended, allowing them to corrode (they are not stainless, and do corrode if left extended) and collect dirt (aswill oiling them to prevent corrosion). When put back in service, the dirt and corrosion causes seal failures and requires the struts to be replaced (read $). Second, the suspension components, particularly the struts, were not designed to have the weight of the tires, brakes, wheels, etc. hanging from them for prolonged periods.
For some totally irrational reason, the “old wife’s tale” that tires will permanently flat spot if the you do not take the weight off them continues to persist, even though literally thousands of cars sit on hard surfaces without moving for months every year with absolutely no ill effects; resulting in the naïve spending their time an money on totally useless “fixes” for a non existent problem. If there ever was a fertile ground for marketers to create unnecessary products/fixes, this is definitely one of them.
Do whatever you want, but you are wasting your time……….