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Old 10-04-2009, 07:40 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by bkc888
I recently did a DIY head unit replacement for my 2001 Boxster.

I just discovered today for the first using my seat heaters that they are not function correctly.

When I press the seat heater button, it lights up for one second and then the light turns off.

Could I have short circuited a wire near the radio head unit? Or all the seat heater wires under the seat? Or could it just be a blown fuse

If swapping switches does not fix it, IMHO the problem may be with the seat heater relay under the seat.

The two relays (one under each seat) are interchangeable, except that the bracket that holds each one in place is a mirror image of the other.

You can swap out the relays with each other as you have just done for the switches and see if that cures it. If so, just buy a replacement relay.

Regards, Maurice.

Last edited by schoir; 10-06-2009 at 10:28 PM.
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