Ike's gettin' to us all. Here in Ohio, we got hit by some hurricane residue: Sunday night we had no rain, but a wind storm with gusts that I'm guessin' were in the 60-70 mph range. Some pretty good sized trees were bent over at almost a 90 degree angle. Took out a lot of power lines, including the source for our home. (I heard a million homes were affected.)
A call to the power company: Their recorded message indicated our power would be restored by "late Friday"!!
The bad part for me: I had same day surgery on Monday. Now I'm sitting around recuperating in a house with no computer, no TV/DVD/music etc, no stove/microwave, food warming in the fridges/thawing in the freezer, etc. It's kind of a mess.
We did get dry ice to more or less keep perishables cool/cold, and I do have a battery powered AM/FM radio, so (relative to many) I guess I don't have it so bad. (I'm posting this from a local library---HAD to check my email!)
Anyway, best wishes for a speedy recovery to all those affected by Ike.