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Old 05-13-2008, 12:17 PM   #253
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Originally Posted by Adam
Here's the deal. If you want to avoid a CEL then you need to keep your stock manifolds or pay $2,300 for the Fabspeed headers I listed a pic of. The other main cats down stream by the muffler can be removed because there are no 02 sensors by them. Essentially the computer doesn't know if those cats are there or not. Here's a pic of the stock Porsche manifold that che's headers replace and all the others on ebay like his. If you remove this manifold with one without a cat then a CEL is likely. This is why companies like B&B don't make headers for 2000-04 boxsters. They know it will cause issues. The 2.5L guys however are in the clear and don't have to worry about all this stuff.
oh i see!! thanks for the explaination. so the secondary cat ( by the muffler ) is save to remove and replace with test pipe... but there have to have a cat by the exhaust manifolds... i see...
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