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Old 03-03-2005, 02:16 PM   #2
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You know why I wouldn't buy a first year 987? It will seem trivial, but it's my main objection...

I read a review of the car in some magazine (car and driver?) and they said how great it was EXCEPT for the fact that the plexiglass wind deflector rattled so much they took it off and threw it in the trunk! After all these years they STILL can't get something simple right with our cars!!!!

I'll buy a 987 model that has a wind deflector that doesn't rattle, thank you very much.

PS - If I didn't need access to the precious cargo room I have with the top up, I'd buy some black cauk at Home Depot and make that sucker a permanent part of the rollbar. (ok, I'd never do that because it's a Porsche, but doggonit, I've thought about it at least three times now it makes me so mad!)

:dance: :dance: :dance:
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