Clear-up De-Snorkel
I am new to the forum and I hate like heck to run an old topic in the ground but I need closure because like many of you out there I am a performance nut and a tinkerer. I have read some of the posts on de-snorkeling and looked at the pic's. My conclusion is: if in fact the snorkel baffels noise then I want performance in place of quiet. However if it really excites the air molecules and improves low end grunt then I say leave it alone. After scrutinizing the pictures I came to the conclusion that if you just plug the hole the left over recess would interrupt air flow. What if you made your own funnel type snorkel and put some type (foam or the like) air cleaner element in the pick-up end of the snorkel wouldn't that increase air intake and still preserve that neat sounding growl? Any and all thoughts would be welcomed.