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Old 12-25-2007, 11:26 AM   #12
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Jack and Jack Stand Mods

I found a mod for lifting a Boxster with a hydraulic jack on-line. I bought a hockey puck and modified mine. I use an alternate lifting point just forward of the rear jacking point. The photos below are my completed mod on my jack and the url link at the end of this post gives additional details and credits.

For jack stands, I created a jig, screwed the hockey pucks to the jig and then ran the sled through the table saw. The rubber hockey pucks cut really well with a Dado blade and I made several passses until just the right amount was removed. The photo below shows one hockey puck in the jig. The jig was designed to place 2 pucks in it. Speeds up the process and makes all 4 pucks exactly identical.

I also made the cut deep enough so that it straddled the jack stand a sufficient amount. A nice snug fit.

Check this link for more info:
K Brandsma
98' Porsche Boxster

Last edited by kbrandsma; 01-10-2008 at 10:48 AM. Reason: updated photos
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