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Old 10-17-2007, 07:57 AM   #29
Dr. Kill
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: New Jersey
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+1 for the PSM camp. I can see an argument for an experienced driver opting to not have PSM on a dedicated track car, but for city driving, regardless of experience level, I think it is a different story.

When you are on the track, you are driving under very controlled conditions and giving 10/10ths attention to what you are doing. On the street, we do not have as much control over the road and traffic conditions. And let’s be honest, street driving is never done with 100% concentration for 100% of the time. I feel like I pay a lot more attention than the average driver, and I can think of at least three times that PSM has stepped in to help me out at times when I have needed it. Maybe I would have corrected and saved it, maybe I wouldn’t have. Regardless, I am thankful that my Porsche has this technology.
Happy Motoring!... Tim’05
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