I could use some expertise here, before I go have a tough conversation with my shop.
I need to make a thread detailing all of the mods I made over the winter, but I won't di that here. Suffice to say that I needed a new track alignment and 4- corner balance.
I took it to my race shop who is highly regarded in the market, and who've always been helpful. I'll be careful here not to "roll" them.... I think it was a perfect storm of crap. Short story is: they did all the work and sent me on my way without ever discovering a loose (new) ball joint and a very bad wheel bearing. I knew ot was wrong immediately when I stepped my foot into it and it turned left.... only to come back to me when I let my foot back off.
Now, whose responsibility is it to have tight ball joints and good wheel bearings when I bring it in? Mine, clearly. Yet whose responsibility is it to make sure the car is alignable (and actually aligned) before charging $600?
Anyway: I went way above and beyond making them whole on it, so save that for another thread too.
I finally got to drive it today, and I'm unhappy. It gets very "darty" at speed, especially as the butt goes over bumps. I jacked it back up ti look it all over and everything looks good and tight. So I went back to the specs.
See image below.
I was curious about the rear toe number, because the first time they did it (before discovering the bad parts) they zero'd the rear toe. But I trust these guys to know what they think makes sense, and several of them have raced boxsters in the past.
But..... here's where I go wonky:
If you look at the 2nd post, waaaay below, you see that last year they set the rear end at 3d POSITIVE, where this year they went 3d NEGATIVE. I really think they put a new guy on the rack, and he went the wrong direction. Last year's setup was AWESOME. This setup scares me over 90mph.
I'd like to hear from some of y'all with experience, mainly because I admit I don't know what a race car SHOULD feel like..... so.... maybe it's SUPPOSED to feel like the ass wants to pass.... but I don't think so.
Opinions? Expertise? I plan to go see them on monday.
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