Why buy a cold air intake?
I have a 2003 base with 20,000 miles in pretty good condition. Just to clarify, Im happy with the car and am very aware its not a race car I am just looking for a little more noise not power. I put a flea bay muffler which I am happy with. Now I want a higher flowing intake so I can hear the engine growling a bit more however I dont want a sub par filter, freer flowing to me sounds like a less efficient filter nor do i want an oil soaked one. I've had maf issues with a previous car. Every engine performs its best with fresh cool air but dont our cars come with cold air intakes from the factory? The filter is next to the engine however it sucks air from the side scoop outside of the car completely. Why would people spend a few hundred bucks on something their car already has? What else can I do to get some extra intake growl? Just pull the snorkel and call it a day? A little bit of noise is fun and gives the illusion of going fast. Fun engine noise, not obnoxious straight pipe rice noise. What to do what to do...