Conversation Between itsnotanova and alohaboxster
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Hi Woody, I'm sorry for the late thank you, but I was able to compete the job satisfactorily. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Hi Ashley, I don't remember having had to do that myself but I've sold a few harnesses to people. Only recommendation I have is to splice it as far back and not where it might get exposed to water.
Hi Woody, I'm a new Boxster owner (02 Base) and ready to replace the right & left rear ABS sensor wires with the Wiring Harness Repair Kit from Pelican (986-612-953-01-OEM and *954*) I read some valuable posts that you wrote regarding the process. I hope you might enlighten me as a newby: the kit has 5 wires; 3 terminate in barrel connectors and 2 are just wires. Kit also includes 3 crimps and 3 heat shrink tubes. I have located the connectors in my trunk and identified the yellow one as the ending. Questions: 1. do you know how I should separate the pieces of the yellow connector so that I can access the back to hopefully extract the wires? 2. why the bare wires? I am guessing I need to splice them, but not sure where. maybe that will become evident when I am able to access the rear of the yellow plastic housing/connector. 3. Any advice on pin extraction and wire splicing would be most appreciated as I have done neither in the past! Thank you very much! Ashley