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Conversation Between insite and Wilson01S
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. Wilson01S
    06-24-2013 06:06 PM - permalink
    Insite, I read your DIY on cam timing and it was very helpful! Nice job! I have a question for you as you seem very knowledgeable in M96 timing. When bank 1-3 is at TDC compression the intake cam indicator is pointed 90* outward. I then timed bank 1 and the marks on the exhaust cam were perfectly parallel to the cam cover seam.

    Now at this moment bank 1-3 is timed- what should the mark on the intake cam of 4-6 be? Should it be pointing inward?

    I rotated the crank 1 rotation and checked my timing marks on the exhaust of 4-6 were parallel with the cam cover (they are) and the intake mark for 4-6 was pointing outward which tells me it was at compression?

    I started the car and it runs very rough like its only running on 3 cylinders. bank 1-3 exhaust manifold got warm, but bank 4-6 remained cold.

    If my marks seem to line up and I 360 out on bank 4-6?

    Thanks for any help/advice you can give!

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