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Conversation Between Brucej and sammie
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. sammie
    05-04-2021 11:07 PM - permalink
    Hey Bruce, just came across your msg today.
    You have probably resolved your issue by now.
    I had to replace the multi-function switch located on side of transmission.
    Part No. 986 325 612 01 Expensive though.
    All good thus far.
  2. Brucej
    09-10-2020 07:10 PM - permalink
    Hey Sammie. I have a 986. Just had local independent shop do a transmission fluid service on my car including adjusting gear selector cable. Was getting flashing R indication. While driving did have current gear indicators light. Now after service flashing D and no gear indicator indication. Did you get your flashing D resolved. Irritates me that I pay for repair an issue remains or new issue once repair is made. I’m a mechanical engineer and design automated assembly machines. I can’t get away with this at work, expect the same of others. Wish I had a larger garage so I could work on my own car.
  3. Brucej
    09-10-2020 07:05 PM - permalink
    Hey Sammie. I have a 986. Just had local independent shop do a transmission fluid service on my car including adjusting gear selector cable. Was getting flashing R indication. While driving did have current gear indicators light. Now after service flashing D and no gear indicator indication. Did you get your flashing D resolved. Irritates me that I pay for repair an issue remains or new issue once repair is made. I’m a mechanical engineer and design automated assembly machines. I can’t get away with this at work, expect the same of others. Wish I had a larger garage so I could work on my own car.

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